


We would like to bring your kind attention to the fact that, we as humans in modern times are much more vulnerable to so many diseases and have been experiencing early death.



We would like to bring your kind attention to the fact that, we as humans in modern times are much more vulnerable to so many diseases and have been experiencing early death. To sum-up, I will quote a chapter from  the Dr. Robert K. Cooper’s Health & Fitness Excellence book; “The information technology era is bringing with it many fundamental changes in the way we think about Health and Fitness. The earlier model, in which the professional did everything and the client or the patient did nothing, will no longer do. Health and Fitness power is moving out of our doctors’ offices, clinics and hospitals. It is moving in to our homes, our schools and places in which we work. To keep pace with this important shift in responsibility, each of us need to master important new Health and Fitness skills. We need to keep our selves updated on the latest discoveries about Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Stress, Lifestyles, Weight management, Diseases and other self-care priorities. When we choose to work with health, Wellness and sports professionals, we must do so as health-active consumers, not as passive patients”. 

Sri Lanka has brought about an explosion in chronic debilitating diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, and Coronary Heart diseases in recent past. Modern research show that hospitalization trends and waiting lists for by-pass surgeries have increased in considerable percentages. Increase in Ischemic heart diseases and Hypertensive diseases, during the last 25 years and death rates from these diseases have increased enormously by 30% to 40%  in this period and Heart Diseases are now the main cause of death among adult males.

Hyperlipidemia / Hypercholesterolemia (elevated blood fats, especially cholesterol) and sedentary life styles are key risk factors for Coronary Vascular Diseases (CVD). Other factors that contribute to the risks are: Cigarette smoking, hypertension, poorly controlled diabetes, excessive and prolonged stress coupled with a pessimistic or antagonistic attitude, obesity, family history, and gender (male gender age 35 and females after menopause).

We have identified Four Main reasons for high Non-Communicable Diseases and early deaths since 2019.

  1. Side-effects of Covid – 19 Vaccines
  2. High Contaminated Foods and Beverages by various Hazardous Chemicals
  3. High level of Mismanaged, Pro-long Stress
  4. Physical Inactivity

These Four factors have caused young Executives and Senior Executives, Fatty Liver Disease, Coronary Artery Diseases, Blood Clotting, Strokes, Myocarditis, Diabetes and So on.

Now Problem is Clear; what is the answer?

  1. Regular systematic Physical Fitness Workouts
  2. Sound Nutritional Discipline.
  3. Professional Education on “Self-care” Properties.

We would like to introduce “Muscle Centric Wellness Medicine” first Time in Sri Lanka, specially enhance Corporate Employees and Entrepreneurs Health, Fitness, and Wellness through Proper Weight Management. Muscle Centric Wellness Medicine in a nutshell, Preserve and Develop your Muscle System, more muscles you have higher the Vitality and Longevity. People with high Lean Muscle Mass and Low Body Fat Mass are Efficient, they perform better, hence high Productivity.

It’s very much crucial to enhance our knowledge on “Self-care Properties” in order to have a healthy lifestyle by knowing the facts of daily living, not only to prevent Diseases, but also to improve our longevity.

Therefore; we like to propose a continuous education Seminar series to your organizational Employees on subjects such as followings,

  • Why People should Exercise?
  • Exercise as a preventive Medicine
  • Healthy Lifestyle as a “Whole Person Healing” strategy
  • Stress Management for  Weight Management
  • Obesity and NCD Prevention  etc…

These will be Auditorium presentation / lecture series and practical workout sessions also can be arranged.


Corporate Wellness

Wellness means, feeling good about yourself so that you can feel good with others. Just as important is the right, healthy diet, a positive mental approach, a rich social life and a stimulating but unstressful job. Knowing how to breathe properly, sleep well, think productively and have self-esteem are all important. Wellness is all of this and more – Wellness is centered on you yourself; Moreover,

  • living longer,
  • showing how good you feel,
  • More energy,
  • Greater efficiency at Work.

The Corporate Wellness Concept

Corporate Wellness is a professional lifestyle modification process, in order to improve overall productivity of an organization by it’s employees by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of them through all the wellness aspects enhancement by regular training and development to achieve optimum levels of performances.

Unfit Employees > Working hours Lost > Increased Medical Cost > Cost of Replacements

Let us be clear, If a group of people is not motivated, the results can specifically include the following


  • Care, and thus lower quality of work
  • Pace of work/Efficiency
  • Productivity
  • Willingness to take responsibility,
  • Level of creative contributions,
  • Punctuality,
  • Attention ,
  • Maintenance of the organization culture
  • Tolerance to Stress
  • Industrial Relationships
  • Feelings of Wellbeing
  • Loyalty


  • Absenteeism,
  • Waste of time,
  • Gossip and, at worst, active rumor-mongering or disruption of others,
  • Bucking of the system
  • Challenging of policy,
  • Bureaucracy
  • Staff Turnovers
  • Error Rates
  • Orthopedic problems (LBP)

Aims and Objectives of FPFA & Certification Programs

Corporate Wellness Centres are designed to deliver  physiological & Psychological Fitness. The increased level of Productivity, Morale and efficiency apply to both the Blue collared & White collared staff.

Additional, the need for ‘Wellbeing’ becomes even more critical for the key members of an Organization who tend to become more indispensable with time. It is important to measure and evaluate all fitness levels on a weekly basis AND to improve upon these levels CONTINUOUSLY.

Let’s be clear on the matter of “Corporate Wellness” by going through following flow charts.

Factors effect on individual Wellness

– Good Health Habits

– No Smoking / Drinking

– Stress Management

– Physical Activities

– Sound Nutritional Discipline

– Environmental factors like air

It’s a Collective effort and also an individual Commitment!

Cover Page of THE ECONOMIST Magazine of USA in 2003, December

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